Horn Loading

Horn Loading and Efficiency: Frequency Dependence

Horn loading is a technique used in loudspeakers to improve the efficiency and directivity of sound radiation. A horn acts as an acoustic waveguide, channeling the sound waves from the driver (speaker) in a specific direction. This focusing effect can significantly increase the sound pressure level compared to a simple driver without a horn.

We will describe technical terms here but loading works like this:

loading effect

Acoustic impedance

Acoustic impedance plays a crucial role in horn loading and its impact on efficiency. Ideally, a well-designed horn will present a gradual change in impedance across the desired frequency range, ensuring a good match between the driver’s impedance and the horn’s impedance (“acoustic impedance matching”). This minimizes energy reflection and maximizes the transfer of sound energy from the driver to the horn.

However, the effectiveness of horn loading and its impact on efficiency are frequency-dependent:

High-Order Modes (HOMs) in Horns

High-Order Modes (HOMs) are unwanted sound waves that can occur within a horn due to its geometry. They deviate from the ideal plane wave propagation pattern and can cause irregularities in the directivity pattern (how the sound radiates in different directions) and degrade the sound quality.

Minimizing HOM Excitation

A well-designed horn aims to:

How a Horn Increases Efficiency at Low Frequencies

The loading of a horn depends on several factors, including:

Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

Think of it like this:

Important Note:

This principle primarily applies to low frequencies. At higher frequencies, the horn’s effect on impedance matching becomes less significant, and other factors like diaphragm size and material come into play.

The “loading effect” is frequency-dependent. It has a stronger influence at lower frequencies and gradually diminishes as frequency increases.

More informations about global energy in horn: Horn and energy

A point about Constant Directivity Horns:

As energy is not “free”, a constant directivity horn cannot be straight on axis as the energy is dispashed off axis to be constant, that we need, so the on axis response will show a bell response curve.


Acoustic Impedance (Z)

In the realm of acoustics, acoustic impedance (Z) is a critical concept. It represents the overall opposition a material offers to the propagation of sound waves. It’s a complex quantity, similar to electrical impedance in AC circuits. However, instead of combining resistance and reactance for current flow, acoustic impedance combines:

Unlike resistance, reactance doesn’t directly dissipate energy but influences how the sound wave propagates. The relationship between impedance and frequency is not strictly linear. It depends on the interplay between resistance and reactance at different frequencies. Understanding acoustic impedance is crucial for various applications in acoustics, such as loudspeaker design and noise control.

Acoustic Resistance (R)

Acoustic resistance (R) is a specific component of acoustic impedance that represents the energy loss that occurs as sound waves travel through a material. This loss is due to viscous friction, similar to air resistance slowing down a moving object. As sound waves propagate, the particles within the medium experience friction, causing some of the sound energy to be converted into heat.

The higher the acoustic resistance of a material, the greater the energy loss it inflicts on sound waves. This translates to a decrease in the sound wave’s intensity and amplitude as it travels through the medium. Materials with high acoustic resistance are often used for soundproofing applications as they effectively dissipate sound energy.

Understanding acoustic resistance is vital when selecting materials for various acoustic applications. For example, in soundproofing materials, we seek materials with high acoustic resistance to effectively absorb and dissipate sound energy.

Acoustic Reactance (X)

Acoustic reactance (X), another component of acoustic impedance, doesn’t directly dissipate energy like resistance. Instead, it represents the storage and release of sound energy within the medium due to its inertia (mass) and elasticity (stiffness). Reactance influences how the sound wave propagates, affecting the relationship between pressure and particle velocity in the wave.

There are two main types of acoustic reactance:
