DSP and PlateAmp

Why DSP ?

Active crossover with DSP is advised for horn speakers: The energy in the horn is defined at the begining and as we want a constant directivity behavior the on-axis horn response will show a bell shaped response, as explained here in Horn & Energie.

It would be very hard to do a passive crossover for a high efficiency horn speaker.

DSP PlateAmp : The Hypex Fusion Amp

The Hypex Fusion Amp line-up are state of the art Class D + DSP :


They have FIR capacities, powered by the Hypex Ncore MP family.

They have all possible inputs including AES/EBU and even a remote control for sources and volume so they act also as a pre-amp.

A passthrough allows adding a sub.

Mini DSP Flex HTx

The Flex HTx, and not the “HT”, is a 8ch IN (USB/HDMI/Analog) or 2ch IN (Toslink/SPDIF) to 8 channels OUT asymmetrical and symmetrical analog.

Powered by a SHARC CPU, the best one.

The capacity to accept multicanal on HDMI E-ARC input is very rare for a DSP and routing capacities allow it to easily add a sub.

Flex HTx

It need to be paired with amp, with symmetrical analog output.

Pro solution, the Xilica Solaro FR1

The FR1 is a DSP with extended card for almost everything except HMDI, he can be in network thanks to DANTE and manage until 64 channels.

Flex HTx

It need to be paired with block or pro amp, with symmetrical analog output.